Single Ply Roofing For Commercial Properties

Single Ply Roofing For Commercial Properties

Single Ply Roofing: Commercial

With the demand for single-ply roofing, the commercial roofing industry anticipates growth of over $10 Billion in the next few years. According to analysts, much of the growth will come from the demands of single-ply roofing.

Why Are Ohio Commercial Roofs Turning To Single Ply?

Nailing down the reasons behind businesses turning to single-ply roofing we’ve come up with five advantages that may be what is driving the market to single-ply construction.


Typically there are two different kinds of room membranes that are used in single-ply roofing. One of these is Thermosets. Thermosets are made of synthetic rubber polymers.

These are usually a go-to single-ply membrane type of roofing for large roofs. Due to the sizes that they can accommodate, they are used to help reduce seams or creases in the roofing.

Protection against the sun, Thermosets may be set in a carbon black. White membranes use titanium dioxide to reflect the lighting away from a building.

The second type of single-ply membrane is Thermoplastics. Usually, they are comprised of a TPO or a PVC. Most of the time they’re reinforced with fiberglass or polyester.

Thermoplastic roof membranes are typically welded together using hot air.

Keeping those basics in mind, here are five advantages of such single-ply roofing.

1. Flexibility

Single-ply roofing is far more flexible due to the materials that comprise the composition.

The flexibility makes this a solid choice when there are huge weather changes. They’re also more durable for surfaces that may be exposed to pollution.

The flexibility allows it to bend and flex without falling apart as other more rigid surfaces would.

2. Makes The Most Of The Sun

One driving factor is the demand for the surface to be more energy-efficient and reflective. Due to the reflective coating, this is improved.

White roofs are especially noted to help deflect the sun. They are excellent to help deflect the temperatures away from a building.

This can also help to lower the amount of carbon dioxide that air conditioning may put into the air.

3. Save Money

Single-ply roofing is easy to install and it’s lightweight. This can help to reduce the cost of labor compared to other roofing methods.

Businesses will save a lot on their heating and cooling costs if they take advantage of the sun. The sun can help to reflect the temperature accordingly to ensure that heat is deflected away from a building in the summer months. It can reduce air conditioning costs as well.

4. Shrugs Off Chemicals

Single-ply roofing is also renowned for its ability to help resist chemicals. They can shed acid rain as well.

This makes them an ideal solution for businesses to help reduce the exposure to oils and gasses.

5. Ease Of Installation

Lightweight and easy to install, these are easier to maneuver than other types of roofing. They can be glued down and fastened with heat.

They’re far easier to install than other traditional types of roofing. They tend to require less in upkeep than other types of roofing.

More Information

These top five advantages of single-ply roofing offer many great options for commercial roofing. We have even more details available when it comes to single-ply roofing for commercial use.


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